Videointerpreting with Zoom

While we use our BabelBox as the preferred solution for more complex remote interpreting setups, Zoom has more than established itself as the technical solution for more straightforward configurations.

In addition to our real passion interpreting, we offer a full range of services for all aspects of video interpreting, i.e, licensing, scheduling and generating links, moderation, training, and consulting. In addition to Zoom, we also work with other popular applications such as Microsoft Teams, Webex, GoToMeeting or Google Meet.

For execution, we plan, host, and moderate the meeting (including breakout rooms) and, if you wish, stream the event, training, or presentation through appropriate channels such as Facebook, YouTube, or any other custom platform.

This approach allows our clients to focus on the content of their event while we take care of the smooth and technical implementation.

Please click here to learn more about our video interpreting portfolio: