
Interpreter for Indonesian

Bahasa Indonesia, as Indonesians call their national language, has an extraordinary meaning for Indonesia: it is an expression of national identity and one of the few languages that have made it an indigenous language to the national language. The fields of application for Indonesian interpreters are diverse: The island state of Indonesia comprises over 17,500 islands on which different regional languages have developed. Over 600 regional languages, including Javanese, Sundanese, and Madurese, are spoken by Indonesian inhabitants. As the seventh largest economy in the world, Indonesia opens up numerous fields of work for Indonesian interpreters.

Indonesische Flaggen am Ufer eines Sees. Im Hintergrund liegt ein Steg, mehrere kleine Boote und am Horizont erstreckt sich eine Landzunge
Zwei Frauen tanzend, die ein traditionelles indonesisches Gewand tragen, mit Blumen auf dem Kopf und einem Fächer in der Hand

Interpreters in Indonesian

Indonesia is home to approximately 275 million people, although the number of native Indonesian speakers is uncertain. Therefore, there is no exact definition of how many people speak Indonesian as their first language. The close relationship with Malay is one reason for the imprecise delimitation. A second reason is the large number of second language speakers who communicate in their regional language, especially in remote areas. In addition to Indonesian, interpreters for Indonesian are thus faced with the challenge of encountering numerous independent regional languages. Kroll Languages provides you with appropriate interpreters for Indonesian/German or other language combinations from an extensive network of native speakers.

Services in addition to interpreting

In addition to the spoken word as the basis of interpreting, you can book numerous other services from our portfolio, including sign and written interpreting. These two communication tools relate specifically to people with hearing loss or deafness. Sign language interpretation is mainly aimed at individuals familiar with sign language. Within sign language, just as in spoken language, there are differences. At Kroll Languages, besides sign language in German-speaking countries, we offer interpreters for many other sign languages, such as American Sign Language. On the other hand, speech-to-text is aimed at deaf and hard-of-hearing people who, mainly due to hearing loss in the course of life, are not familiar with sign language. In this form of interpreting, the spoken language is simultaneously transcribed so that deaf people can follow the event or discussion by reading.

Traditionelles indonesisches Essen, serviert auf einem Konstrukt von Bananenblättern, von oben fotografiert