
Interpreter for Slovenian/German

The Slovenian language has a fascinating past. It has been an official language in Slovenia only since the beginning of the 1990s. The location of Slovenia was responsible for the formation of countless dialects. The Alps, forests, and the borders of different domains separated the settlements, developing 46 dialects in seven dialect groups. Slovenian interpreters are therefore faced with the challenge of mastering the various dialects of the two and a half million native speakers. Kroll Languages can provide you with Slovenian interpreters from our extensive network who are familiar with a wide range of dialects.

Slowenische Flagge vor landschaftlicher Kulisse
Kirsche auf slowenischer Insel. Im Hintergrund Berge

Interpreters for Slovenian

Slovenian belongs to the Slavic branch of the Indo-European languages and thus joins them along with Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, and Croatian. As an official language in Slovenia, it lost its status during the Second World War. The occupation of Germany, Hungary, and Italy led to the Slovenian inhabitants adopting the occupiers’ language. Only after 1945, with  Yugoslavia’s coming into existence, it was considered an equal state language. In 1991, it finally regained its status as an official language. The influences of the neighboring countries of Austria, Hungary, and Italy and the Second World War provide Slovenian interpreters with employment opportunities outside of Slovenia.

Interpreters for Slovenian, English, and more

Interpreting in different languages is one of the main services provided by Kroll Languages. We work in our six core languages English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, and German. If you are looking for interpreters for other languages or language pairs, we rely on an extensive network of interpreters and organize them accordingly for your event. We interpret on-site or remotely in our Hub in Düsseldorf. Our Hub’s equipment allows for smooth video interpretation of your online or hybrid event. We will gladly take over the organization and planning of your online event. You no longer have to worry about the technical part regarding remote interpretation.

Blick auf einen Marktplatz in einer slowenischen Stadt