
Interpreter for Catalan from Kroll Languages

Use the certified quality Catalan interpreters from the Kroll Languages network. Catalan is spoken by over nine million speakers worldwide. It is the only official language in Andorra and, along with Spanish, the official language in Catalonia, Valencia, and the Balearic Islands. It is also spoken in the Autonomous Communities of Murcia and Aragon, as well as in Italy (Alghero in Sardinia) and France (Roussillon, nowadays: Département Pyrénées Orientales).

Katalanische Flagge an einem Balkon
Katalanische Süßspeise

Catalan interpreters – when they are needed, it is important

Catalan is one of the more niche languages for interpreters and translators in German-speaking countries. When interpretation into Catalan is required, it is typically during important occasions – such as bilateral meetings, events, or television appearances. The various dialects of Catalan, as spoken in Valencia, Mallorca, or the other Balearic Islands, could also be requested. We provide you with highly skilled Catalan interpreters.

Kroll Languages: Interpreter placement and own services

In addition to providing interpreters for Catalan and all other languages, we interpret and translate in different languages, like Portuguese to French. We provide our services for both video conferencing and on-site meetings.

In addition, we offer our Hub Services. You can choose from various packages to organize your video conference via our Hub near Düsseldorf.

Casa Batllo in Barcelona