
Interpreter for Armenian

Providing interpreters for Armenian and other languages is part of the extensive services offered by Kroll Languages. The Armenian language is the official language of Armenia and the internationally unrecognized Republic of Arzakh (formerly: Nagorno Karabakh Republic). There are about 9 million speakers; Armenian is also a recognized minority or regional language in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Cyprus, and many countries of the former USSR. There are two spoken language forms today, of which Eastern Armenian dominates in Armenia.

Jerevan, Hauptstadt von Armenien
Kloster von Khor Virap

Placement of interpreters for Armenian/German

Hiring interpreters for Armenian/German and other language combinations is based on our extensive network of professional contacts. We are happy to organize the appropriate interpreters for you. Interpreters for Armenian can be used in Germany for appointments with authorities and courts, during trips or visits to doctors, as well as for negotiations, in schools, or during seminars, among other things.

Kroll Languages Services

In addition to providing interpreters for all languages, we mainly offer interpreting services. We render interpretation services in our main languages, German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, on-site and video conferencing. In addition, we offer translations of documents and our hub services. You can book our Hub near Düsseldorf for various services, including relay interpreting.

Frontansicht der Kaskade von Jerewan