
Interpreter Albanian/German

Kroll Languages provides qualified interpreters for Albanian/German and many other language combinations. Albanian is an official language in Albania, Kosovo, and northern Macedonia and a recognized minority or regional language in Romania, Serbia, and Italy. Thus, the Albanian language has a significant influence in Southeastern Europe even beyond its native country. Interpretation into or from Albanian offers interpreters challenges due to the language’s diverse dialects.

Fluss und Berge mit Wäldern in Albanien
Historische Altstadt und Welterbestätte Berat in Albanien

Interpreters for Albanian: two dominant dialects

Interpreters working with Albanian must consider the sometimes very different language dialects. In addition to the classic division into the two major dialect groups, the Gegean from the north and the Tuscan from the south of the country, there are other local dialects, some of which also differ significantly in their vocabulary. The written language, for example, was unified in the 1950s based on Tuscan. Even more than in many other countries, however, language development in Albanian continues to be an actively debated and agile process.

Kroll Languages: Interpreting and successful mediation

In addition to active interpreting in six languages (German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish) and translating, we at Kroll Languages provide interpreters for all languages from our extensive network.

We are happy to put our Hub Facility in Erkrath near Düsseldorf at your disposal. You can use our Hub’s service packages, including all the necessary technology for your successful conference.

Strand und Küste des Ionischen Meeres in Albanien