
Interpreter Bulgarian/German

We provide interpreters for Bulgarian/German and many other language combinations at Kroll Languages. Bulgarian, with Macedonian, belongs to the East-South Slavic group of the Slavic branch of Indo-European languages and is one of the oldest documented Slavic languages: it has existed as an official, written, sacred, and literary language for about 1,000 years. About 8 million people speak Bulgarian, most of whom live in Bulgaria. But the language is also widespread in other Eastern European countries. Therefore, Bulgarian interpreters are always in demand. Our team will provide you with certified interpreters for Bulgarian with many years of experience in the field.

Alexander Nevsky Kathedrale in Bulgariens Hauptstadt Sofia

Bulgarian interpreters in presence and distance

Bulgarian interpreters from our network work according to your needs. Thus, we offer you interpreting on-site, hybrid, and remotely from our Hub in Düsseldorf. You can rely on our professional Bulgarian interpreters and our competent technical team, which provides bi-directional interpretation from our Hub via videoconference. This solution is ideal, especially for business clients with contacts in Bulgaria.

Interpreter for Bulgarian and other languages

We provide interpreters for Bulgarian, among many other languages and language combinations, also from Eastern Europe. Apart from Bulgarian, our network includes Polish, Albanian and Hungarian interpreters, while our interpreters from Düsseldorf cover six languages German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. In addition, we are always available for translations into all languages.

Strand von Sozopol am schwarzen Meer